sat yoga

The Secret to Attaining Perfection ~ Shunyamurti Morning Meditation Teaching

How to Supersede the Real of Trauma - Shunyamurti Questions and Answers

Are You Dreaming? Or Being Dreamed? Or Both? Shunyamurti Seminar Teaching

The Yoga of Total Escalation Dominance - Shunyamurti Seminar Teaching

Perfection Includes Ignorance and Delusion - Shunyamurti Teaching

Timely Questions, Timeless Answers - Shunyamurti Answers Your Questions

Victory is Loss of Ego ~ Shunyamurti Answers Your Questions!

Master the Most Potent Spiritual Exercises - Join Shunyamurti Live Online This Weekend

Sat on the Mat. Stretch & Calm 10. Gentle Yoga and Meditation Sequence. Michael Sands Yoga

The Power of Grace is Here Now ~ Shunyamurti Early Morning Teaching

Don’t Get Caught in the Collective Crack-Up! - Shunyamurti Teaching

The Secret of the Activation of the Power of Grace ~ Shunyamurti Teaching

Take a Quantum Leap Outside the Matrix - Shunyamurti Teaching

Regain Your Sovereignty in the Supreme Abode - Shunyamurti Teaching

Be Free of Ego's Chaos: How to Raise Your Vibrational Level ~ Shunyamurti Teaching

The Radical Shift from Delusion to the Real ~ Shunyamurti Teaching

The Ego is a Self-Playing Game - Shunyamurti Teaching

The World Will Soon Die—But the Self is Deathless ~ Shunyamurti Teaching

The Free Will Paradox: We Dream Away Our Freedom, But Only to Awaken ~ Shunyamurti Satsang Teaching

The Hard Problem of Loneliness ~ Shunyamurti Community Satsang

Who Am I? The Realization That Brings an End to Karma ~ Shunyamurti Satsang with Q&A

The Tide of Life is Ebbing Out ~ Shunyamurti Teaching

The Heart Must Have a Single Yearning ~ Shunyamurti Wisdom Teaching

Projections, Purity, and the Playwright of the Phenomenal Plane ~ Shunyamurti Questions & Answers